Welcome to NMC

Nepal Medical Council (NMC) was established in 2020 BS (1964 AD) by the act of Parliament. The primary role of the Council has been to register qualified doctors to the Register of NMC and allow them to practice safe modern medicine. The role of NMC has evolved over the period of time: From mere registration of doctors that are eligible to practice modern medicine to conducting licensing examination before registration, to monitoring and regulation of medical education in the country. With enforcement of the new Health Professional Education Commission (HPEC)............

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Complaints / Suggestions

As a way to continually improve our services, we encourage our users feedback. This enables us to see if any changes/improvements need to be made to our current services and try to meet our user needs. If you have any complaints, suggestions or comments on the service you have received, please use the link below to register your complaints and suggestions.

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नेपाल मेडिकल काउन्सिलको परीक्षा सम्बन्धी अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना !!! (मितिः २०८१ असोज १३ गते)

नेपाल मेडिकल काउन्सिलको अत्यन्त जरुरी सूचना !!! (मितिः 2081 असोज १२ गते)

नेपाल मेडिकल काउन्सिलको चारित्रिक प्रमाणपत्र (Good standing certificate) तथा प्रमाणीकरण (Verification) सम्बन्धी सूचना ! (मिति २०८१ भाद्र २)

मिती २०८१ असोज १३ देखि १५ गते सन्चालन हुने नेपाल मेडिकल काउन्सिलको दर्ता प्रमाणपत्र परिक्षाको मिती, समय र केन्द्र सम्बन्धी सूचना! (२०८१ असोज ०९)

Total Registration Status

Registration Status Up to 31st December, 2023

Male Female Total
MBBS 19954 10073 30027
BDS 1727 3156 4883
Total 21681 13229 34910

Specialist Registration Status

Registration Status Up to 31st December, 2023

Male Female Total
MD/MS 7063 2760 9823
MDS 404 361 765
Total 7467 3121 10588
Registration Status